powerballjackpotwinningnumbers| Ministry of Commerce responds to U.S. unilateral tariff measures: China will take necessary measures to resolutely defend its rights and interests

Gelonghui May 16| The Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference. He Yadong, spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce, saidpowerballjackpotwinningnumbersChina's position on unilateral tariff measures by the United States is consistent. China firmly opposes and has made solemn representations regarding the recent wrongful act of the United States to wantonly increase its 301 tariff on China. China will take necessary measures to resolutely defend its rights and interests. China firmly opposes all forms of trade protectionism and will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests.

powerballjackpotwinningnumbers| Ministry of Commerce responds to U.S. unilateral tariff measures: China will take necessary measures to resolutely defend its rights and interests

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