playvideopokeronline| Inbound tourism continues to be popular, listed tourism companies welcome the summer vacation tourism peak season

Li Qiaoyu, a reporter from our newspaper

Multiple data displayPlayvideopokeronlineThe inbound tourism market continues to pick up.

According to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and TourismPlayvideopokeronlineAccording to the latest figures, in 2024, the number of inbound overnight tourists in Beijing reached 46Playvideopokeronline. 940000 person-times, an increase of 314 over the same period last yearPlayvideopokeronline.9%; on May 19, it was reported that bookings by South Korean tourists to China for group tours soared 608% in May from a year earlier, while Russian tourists searched three times as many hotels in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai in April as in the previous month, according to the website of OneTwoTrip, a Russian tourism service.

According to the reporter's understanding, the listed companies in the tourism industry chain are actively grasping the changes in the market and laying out inbound tourism.

The peak season for summer vacation is coming.

As a tourism practitioner, Xu Xiaolei, chief brand officer of CYTS, has a more intuitive feeling about the warming of the inbound travel market. Xu Xiaolei told Securities Daily that by the end of April this year, CYTS had received more than 35000 inbound visitors, a more than tenfold increase over the same period last year. From the perspective of tourist structure, affected by the visa-free policy, there are more inbound tourists from European and Southeast Asian countries.

"since the end of last year, the company has welcomed several groups of inbound tourists every month." Li Mengran, media and public relations manager of Zhongxin Tourism Group, told the Securities Daily that with the continuous expansion of the "visa-free" circle of friends, she can obviously feel the heating up of the inbound travel market. the recent implementation of the visa-free policy for foreign tour groups to enter China on cruise ships is expected to increase the popularity of the inbound travel market again.

Referring to several key time nodes in the inbound tourism market, Li Mengran said that the following summer vacation will become one of the important time nodes for entry. "the summer vacation from June to September is the longest peak tourist season of the year. In addition, Christmas holidays at the end of each year, New Year's Day holidays and Easter holidays in April are also important times for the concentration of inbound tourists."

Long Fei, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Financial and Strategic Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Securities Daily that the incentive effect of a series of recent favorable policies is gradually emerging. Judging from the preparation cycle of inbound tourism, it is expected that this summer will usher in the peak season of inbound tourism. In addition to the format of travel agencies, inbound tourism-related industrial chains, such as civil aviation, hotel and catering, are expected to benefit.

"it is better to hear than to see. Allowing tourists to come to China to see the development of China and tell their true feelings to their relatives and friends will also help to deepen foreigners' understanding of China. " Long Fei said.

playvideopokeronline| Inbound tourism continues to be popular, listed tourism companies welcome the summer vacation tourism peak season

Active layout of listed tourism enterprises

In order to cope with the following summer market, Zhongxin Travel is actively preparing. In March this year, Zhongxin Travel announced that it would invest in Zhongxin Youbili International Travel Service Co., Ltd., with the intention of further developing inbound tourism business. As early as the end of 2023, Zhongxin Tourism announced that it would join hands with Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau, Nanjing Culture and Tourism Bureau, and members of the World Federation of Tourism cities (WTCF) to conduct in-depth exploration on "Yangtze River Cultural Tourism Belt entry Cooperation", "Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Cultural Tourism Belt entry Cooperation" and "Yellow River Cultural Tourism Belt entry Cooperation".

Li Mengran told reporters: "the new subsidiary will be targeted to develop more distinctive inbound tour products, and will also consider the differentiated needs of different consumers in terms of product structure."

In order to meet the peak of summer travel, CYTS is also actively developing new products. Xu Xiaolei told reporters that at present, CYTS has updated and iterated the existing inbound tourism destinations according to the preferences of overseas tourists, such as the Sichuan panda base products created by the company and the hiking products along the Sichuan-Tibet route are very popular with overseas tourists.

Xu Xiaolei said that high-speed rail tourism route products and night tour economy-related products are also important directions for CYTS to build inbound tourism products, mainly based on the strong interest of overseas tourists in the achievements of China's modernization drive. In addition, CYTS also pays attention to relatively minority inbound destinations such as those around Chengdu and Suzhou.

The civil aviation industry and the hotel industry are also making arrangements for inbound tourism. Air China recently said that it is continuing to improve its international route network and make every effort to promote the resumption and increase of international routes. Since April 28, Air China has successively opened new routes from Beijing to Riyadh and Beijing to Dhaka, resuming routes from Beijing to Madrid-Sao Paulo and Beijing-Madrid-Havana. With the above four routes, Air China has implemented a total of 452 domestic, international and regional routes, including 112 international and regional routes, covering 64 cities in 43 countries and regions.

The first Travel Hotel said on the investor interactive platform that in view of the different needs of inbound customers, the company continues to enrich hotel products, and the hotel pays attention to the differences in culture and consumption habits between the East and the West in service details. The company launches economical and high-end iterative new products, which already has a younger, fashionable and intelligent hotel brand image.

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