playtoearnandroidcryptogames| Warburg Fund Zhou Jing: The 2024 shareholders 'meeting may pay attention to Buffett's interpretation of interest rates, technology, oil and gas, etc.

Here we go againPlaytoearnandroidcryptogamesAt the moment of the global focus on Berkshire Hathaway's shareholders' meeting, Buffett's speech and views will most likely attract the attention of the world. What will be the highlights of Berkshire's annual shareholders' meeting to be held in Omaha on May 4? In this regard, Mr. Zhou Jing, assistant general manager of Warburg Fund with rich investment experience in the international investment field, fund manager of Warburg overseas Technology LOF (501312) and fund manager of Warburg NASDAQ Select (017436), issued a more comprehensive and insightful view.

Zhou Jing pointed out that this Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting will be the first shareholder meeting in history without Charlie Munger, who, as Buffett's most important partner, played an important role in explaining the company's business and investment strategy. Munger's opinions and views often complement Buffett's. For Buffett personally, Munger is also his most loyal ally and important adviser, and the two have a deep friendship and cooperative relationship that has lasted for decades. Munger's departure will undoubtedly pose a challenge for Buffett and Berkshire. While shareholders remember Munger at the shareholders' meeting, they will also pay more attention to the handover and strategy of the new generation of leadership.

In addition, Buffett significantly increased his investment in Japan in 2023 and continued to increase his holdings of Japan's "five major trading houses". Looking back on the operation, Japanese stocks rose sharply just after Buffett announced his position to raise the bet on Japan. As a result, the investment has also yielded a generous return, which can be said to be a very successful bottom-copying. Japan's "big five trading houses" are relatively in line with Buffett's investment framework of high dividends and high cash flow, and Buffett has said he plans to hold these assets for 10-20 years. What are the reasons why Buffett should be optimistic about this kind of assets for such a long time? Zhou Jing believes that these are also very worthy of investors' attention.

Zhou Jing said that the third highlight of the shareholders' meeting was the forecast of the future economy and interest rates. At present, the US economy and interest rate policy are in a period of change, and the strong economic recovery will even affect the Fed's original decision to cut interest rates. Looking back, what is the state of the US economic recovery? Will inflation be a long-term problem? Will the Fed cut interest rates as scheduled? Will the market trade more to re-inflate-lower interest rates and postpone pressure, or will the logic of recovery rise again? These are also hot spots in the market, and at this event, investors may be able to get new clues from Buffett, who likes to talk about the US economy.

In addition, many investors are confused about whether U. S. stocks are overvalued and what direction they should buy in the future. Recently, both the S & P 500 and the Nasdaq have reached new highs and are now in a pullback. What is the follow-up market outlook? Will the technology stocks represented by Nvidia reach new highs? Which of the following sectors will lead the way? will they still be technology stocks? Zhou Jing believes that at this shareholders' meeting, Buffett, who has always said that he "does not understand" technology stocks, the market may be able to hear a different point of view.

playtoearnandroidcryptogames| Warburg Fund Zhou Jing: The 2024 shareholders 'meeting may pay attention to Buffett's interpretation of interest rates, technology, oil and gas, etc.

At the same time, Mr. Zhou Jing also pointed out that Warren Buffett's investment in the oil and gas industry is an important issue in the field of financial investment. He has made significant investments in the oil and gas industry many times through Berkshire Hathaway (Berkshire Hathaway) at the helm of the company. Buffett began to buy a large number of shares in Western oil companies since 2022, becoming one of the major shareholders of the company. This investment includes not only the direct purchase of common shares, but also through the holding of preferred shares and the purchase of warrants. The investment shows Buffett's confidence in the long-term potential of the oil and gas industry. At this shareholders' meeting, it is believed that shareholders will also focus on Buffett's views on the oil and gas industry, as well as subsequent investments.

Risk hintPlaytoearnandroidcryptogames:

This document does not constitute any investment advice or commitment. The fund manager and its related departments and employees shall not be liable for any use of the contents of this document or for any loss arising therefrom. Fund managers promise to manage and use fund assets in accordance with the principles of good faith and diligence, but they do not guarantee the profit of the fund or the minimum return. The past performance and net worth of the fund do not predict its future performance, and the performance of other funds managed by fund managers does not constitute a guarantee for the performance of the fund. The fund manager reminds you of the "buyer's responsibility" principle of fund investment. After making an investment decision, the investment risk caused by the change of fund operation and fund net worth will be borne by you. Fund managers, fund custodians, fund sales institutions and relevant institutions do not make any commitment or guarantee to the investment income of the fund. The above mentioned individual stocks are examples and do not represent any position information or investment advice of the fund manager. The market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Warburg NASDAQ Select (Class A: 017436 Category C: 017437) and Warburg overseas Technology QDII-LOF (Category A: 501312 Category C: 017204) are issued and managed by Warburg Fund, and the consignment agencies are not responsible for product investment, payment and risk management. Investors should carefully read the fund legal documents such as the fund contract, the prospectus and the summary of fund product data, understand the risk-return characteristics of the fund, and choose products suitable for their own risk tolerance. Fund managers rated Warburg NASDAQ selected as R4-medium-high risk, suitable for active (C4) and above investors; fund managers rated Huabao overseas Technology QDII-LOF as R4-medium-high risk, suitable for active (C4) and above investors. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute a guarantee of fund performance. The past performance of the fund does not predict its future performance, the fund investment should be cautious! Sales institutions (including fund managers, direct selling institutions and other sales institutions) conduct risk assessment of the fund in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, investors should pay attention to the appropriateness opinions issued by the fund managers in a timely manner, the opinions of all sales institutions on appropriateness are not necessarily the same, and the risk grade evaluation results of fund products issued by fund sales institutions shall not be lower than those made by fund managers. In the fund contract, the characteristics of risk and return of the fund and the risk grade of the fund are different due to different factors to be considered. Investors should understand the risk and return of the fund, and carefully choose the fund products and bear the risk according to their own investment purpose, term, investment experience and risk bearing capacity. The registration of the Fund by the CSRC does not mean that it makes a substantial judgment or guarantee on the investment value, market prospects and income of the Fund. The views of fund managers only represent the views at that time and may change in the future for reference only. They do not constitute promotional materials, investment suggestions or guarantees of any business, nor do they serve as any legal documents. In addition to the general investment risks such as market fluctuation risks similar to those of domestic securities investment funds, overseas market funds also face special investment risks such as exchange rate risk.

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