
Special topic: live broadcast: Buffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting hits

Special topic: Buffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting hit

According to Greg Abel2x45winslotReal estate agents will continue to play a key role in the purchase process, even after a major "settlement".

The National Association of Realtors (National Association of Realtors) reportedly said in March that it would end its policy of setting brokers' commissions and pay more than $400m in compensation to home sellers across the country. Several lawsuits against the association allege that regulations related to NAR's multiple listing Services (Multiple Listing Services) have been improved.2x45winslotThe rate of commission.


In late April, Berkshire's HomeServices of America said it would pay 2.2x45winslot$.50 million to settle lawsuits that thought the commission was too high. It is reported that this is the highest amount paid by a single brokerage so far.

Mr Abel, Mr Buffett's successor, said: "there is no doubt that the industry will undergo some transformation as a result of this settlement." However, "real estate agents are still an important part of these transactions." Because this is a large investment in our lives, it is essential to get advice and guidance. "

As the NAR settlement process continues, Abel says almost all the participants have been "swept".

Meanwhile, Warren Buffett said he encouraged the expansion of his real estate brokerage business, calling it "fundamental". However, he admitted to being surprised by the legal ruling.

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