
Source Gangtise Investment Research

experts sayabel3nreel, currentlyabel3nreelmy country's vehicle scrapping rate is 1abel3nreelAbout.6%, which is still a certain gap with the average scrapping rate of 4 - 5% in European and American countries. After the implementation of the old-for-new policy, it is expected to increase my country's vehicle scrapping rate. The incremental scrapping models are mainly domestic brand passenger cars of the National III and below, such as Chery QQ, Geely King Kong, and BYD F3. These cars are generally more than 15 years old and have little value for continued use, with a residual value of only a few thousand yuan. After car owners choose to scrap, the New Deal subsidy is expected to reach more than 10,000 yuan, which is higher than the residual value of the vehicle, so they are more willing to scrap. The government's trade-in policy is expected to stimulate sales of 1.5 million to 2 million vehicles.


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