kingmegaways| How many points will I be deducted if I fail to park as required on ordinary roads?

In daily life, many people may encounter the problem of parking on ordinary roads. However, if the parking space is not in accordance with the regulations, it may result in fines and deductions. Below, we will discuss in detail the penalty for failing to park in accordance with the regulations on ordinary roads.

Amount of fine

First of all, let's look at the amount of the fine. If you park illegally on an ordinary road, the amount of the fine may vary according to different circumstances. Generally speaking, the fine will range from 100 yuan to 200 yuan, depending on the specific circumstances and location of illegal parking.

kingmegaways| How many points will I be deducted if I fail to park as required on ordinary roads?

Deduction of points

ExceptKingmegawaysWith a fine, illegal parking will also lead to deduction of points. According to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the people's Republic of China, for those who fail to park on ordinary roads, 3 points will be deducted for one violation.

Parking regulations

ForKingmegawaysTo comply with the rules and avoid deductions, car owners need to know some basic parking rules. Here are some parking rules to follow:

Parking location: vehicles should be parked in the prescribed parking area and should not be parked at will on the road or in places that hinder traffic. Parking direction: vehicles should be parked according to the direction of the road, not in the opposite direction. Parking time: parking within the prescribed parking time, no overtime parking. No parking areas: do not park in areas where parking is prohibited, such as fire exits, sidewalks, etc.

Form: penalties for illegal parking

Fine amount for violations (yuan) deduction points for non-parking 100-200 3 points in no parking area 200 points 6 points reverse parking 200 points 3 points


When parking on ordinary roads, car owners need to abide by relevant laws and regulations to avoid fines and deductions. Understanding parking regulations and choosing the appropriate parking location and time can not only avoid unnecessary trouble, but also ensure the smooth flow and safety of the road.

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