crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimemultiplayer| Dongguan Securities has two more senior management job changes last year's revenue and net profit dropped double

Just a few days after the departure of the president, there were new senior executive changes in Dongguan Securities.

On May 20, Dongguan Securities announced that due to job changes, Guo Xiaoyun will no longer serve as compliance director and chief legal officer; Jiang Zemin will no longer serve as vice president and will no longer perform the duties of chief financial director and secretary of the board of directors. Both were employed as senior consultants of the company.

It is worth mentioning that a reporter from the Daily Business News noted that both of them will reach retirement age in 2024. At the same time, Luo Yifen of Dongguan Securities is the company's financial director and secretary of the board of directors, and the new Zhang Yichao is the assistant to the president.

crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimemultiplayer| Dongguan Securities has two more senior management job changes last year's revenue and net profit dropped double

A number of senior executives have been adjusted.

The new Luo Yifen of Dongguan Securities is the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of Directors.

According to his resume, Luo Yifen has served as an employee of the entrusted Capital Management Department of Dongguan Securities, an employee of the Audit and Supervision Department of CIC Securities (now CICC Wealth), Deputy General Manager of Dongguan Securities Internal Audit and Compliance Department, Deputy General Manager of Dongguan Securities Audit and Audit Department, General Manager of Dongguan Securities over-the-counter Market Business Department (formerly Capital Market Innovation Business Department), Deputy General Manager of Dongguan Securities Investment Banking Department and General Manager of Investment Banking Division 9. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Dongguan Securities.

A reporter from the Daily Business News noticed that in fact, a few days ago, there were signs of a change in Luo Yifen's post.

On May 16, Hanwei Science and Technology was released.Crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimemultiplayerThe announcement of the replacement of the representative of continuous supervision and recommendation. Hanwei Technology said that it was learned that Luo Yifen, the sponsor representative originally appointed by Dongguan Securities, could not continue to perform the continuous supervision responsibility due to job transfer, and in order to ensure the orderly progress of the continuous supervision work, Dongguan Securities appointed Yu Shumin to replace Luo Yifen as the sponsor representative of the company's continuous supervision to continue to perform the continuous supervision responsibility of the company.

In addition, Dongguan Securities also appointed Zhang Yichao as assistant to the president.

According to his resume, Zhang Yichao was an employee of Shanghai United Credit Evaluation Co., Ltd., a rating analyst of Shanghai New Century (002280) Credit Evaluation Investment Services Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of Societe Generale Securities (601377) fixed income headquarters, and general manager of Dongguan Securities debt financing headquarters. He is currently assistant to the president of Dongguan Securities and general manager of debt financing headquarters.

Of course, in addition to the new two executives, Dongguan Securities also has two senior executives whose positions have been adjusted. First, Guo Xiaoyun will no longer serve as the company's compliance director and chief legal officer due to job adjustment, and secondly, Jiang Zemin will no longer serve as vice president because of job adjustment, and will no longer perform the duties of chief financial director and secretary of the board of directors. It is worth noting that both of them were hired as senior consultants of the company.

The reporter also noted that Guo Xiaoyun, a senior female executive of Dongguan Securities, was born in June 1969 and will be 55 in 2024, while Jiang Zemin was born in August 1964 and will also be 60 in 2024. In other words, both will reach retirement age.

In parallel with the changes in the above executives, Dongguan Securities also disclosed that the board of directors decided that Ji Wang Feng, a senior manager, would be the compliance director, and Chen Aizhang, a senior manager, would be the director of the asset management business.

Double decline in revenue and net profit in 2023

There have been a lot of changes in Dongguan Securities since 2024.

According to the website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 31, the financial information recorded in Dongguan Securities IPO application documents has expired and needs to be supplementary submitted. Therefore, the IPO audit status of Dongguan Securities has been changed to "suspended".

On April 1, the materials of Dongguan Securities' application for the establishment of a public offering fund management company were successfully received by the CSRC.

A reporter from the Daily Economic News learned that in fact, as early as January 2017, in the application draft of the prospectus, Dongguan Securities expressed its desire to set up a fund management subsidiary. In the filing of the prospectus in March 2023, Dongguan Securities further revealed that it had started the application of its fund management subsidiary.

It is worth mentioning that just after the "suspension" of IPO, Dongguan Securities was exposed that the president had left office.

On May 8, Dongguan Securities issued a notice announcing that Pan Haibiao would no longer hold the post of president of the company due to job transfer. In order to ensure the smooth transition of the company's operation, the board of directors decided that Chen Zhaoxing, secretary of the party committee and chairman, would perform the duties of president on his behalf until the board of directors appointed a new president.

With the "suspension" of IPO, senior executives are now intensively entering the "shock period", which has undoubtedly intensified the market's attention to Dongguan Securities.

It is worth mentioning that Dongguan Securities has also been subject to regulatory penalties recently.

On May 10, the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau disclosed the regulatory measures to issue warning letters to Dongguan Securities and two sponsor representatives. According to the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau, Dongguan Securities, as a sponsor for the initial public offering of Guangdong Quanwei Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Guangdong National Science and Technology (300716) Co., Ltd.), there are the following violations in the process of continuous supervision: first, the authenticity of large capital transactions of listed companies has not been carefully verified. Second, failed to complete the 2019 on-site inspection report as required. Yao Genfa and Yang Na, as sponsor representatives, bear the main responsibility for the above violations.

According to the 2023 annual report of Dongguan Securities, the company achieved operating income of 21% in 2023.Crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimemultiplayer.55 billion yuan, down 6.26% from the same period last year; net profit was 635 million yuan, down 19.70% from the same period last year.

Dongguan Securities said the decline was mainly due to market conditions and commission rates, while securities brokerage revenue decreased year-on-year, and investment banking revenue fell from the previous year due to the slowing pace of market IPO and refinancing.

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