bingonearmetoday| Avita fully transforms its dealer model and employees who choose to leave will be compensated N+1.5

[TechWeb] May 20 newsbingonearmetodayIn January this year, Avita confirmed the adjustment of the after-sales model, that is, from a direct sales model to a dealer cooperation model.

Jackie, certified as the "Avita Technology Employer Brand Manager", said on social media that Avita is indeed making adjustments to its after-sales business. In order to quickly improve user response speed and store operation efficiency, it has decided to hand over the store's after-sales service business to partners. Operating with some personnel have made job transfer adjustments.

The adjustment of business means that Avita has changed from direct sales to cooperative outsourcing after sales. Some employees under the previous direct sales system were transferred.

According to New Channel Observation, when Avita transformed into a dealer model, the treatment of front-line sales and store manager employees is as follows:

bingonearmetoday| Avita fully transforms its dealer model and employees who choose to leave will be compensated N+1.5

1bingonearmetoday. Employee recruitmentbingonearmetoday: Avita officials will try their best to allow dealers to absorb all direct employees, especially in the early stage of transformation.

2. Wages: In the first half of the year, Avita will officially subsidize part of the basic salary and commission (the proportions vary from place to place) to ensure that employees 'salaries are not much different from before. After half a year, the basic salary and commission situation will be decided by the dealer.

3. Salary guarantee: Although there may be some salary changes, Avita officials and dealers will work hard to ensure that employees 'basic income remains stable.

During the model transition period, store employees have two options:

1. Choose to leave: If the employee is unwilling to transfer to a dealer and chooses to leave, Avita will officially compensate n+1.5bingonearmetoday;

2. Choose to transfer to a dealer: Employees can choose to join a dealer and continue to work under the new business model. Avita will officially compensate n+1(shop assistants generally choose to transfer to a dealer, and the benefits will not be significantly reduced for at least 6 months., better than a compensation of 0.5).

Regarding "Avita's transformation dealer model employee compensation issue", Avita told TechWeb that there is currently no reply.

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