dappradarfarmersworld| Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a symposium on the supervision of listed companies in its jurisdiction in 2024

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[Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a Symposium on Supervision of listed companies in its jurisdiction in 2024] Securities Times Network News, on May 21, Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a symposium on supervision of listed companies in 2024. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Financial work Conference, and conveyed and studied the new "National Nine articles".Dappradarfarmersworld.Dappradarfarmersworld..

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[Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a Symposium on Supervision of listed companies in its jurisdiction in 2024] Securities Times Network News, on May 21, Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a symposium on supervision of listed companies in 2024. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Financial work Conference, conveyed and studied the spirit of the new "National Nine articles", the spirit of the "1N" policy document on the capital market, and the key work arrangements of the CSRC. The board chairman, general manager, secretary of the board of directors, chief financial officer, annual audit project signature accountant, sponsor representative and financial consultant sponsor responsible for the continuous supervision of listed companies attended the meeting on the spot or by video. the chairmen of some listed companies shared the learning experience of the new "National Nine articles". The meeting reviewed the high-quality development and supervision of listed companies in the area in 2023, and concluded that in the past year, with the correct leadership of the party committee of the Securities Regulatory Commission and the strong support of the Qingdao municipal party committee and the Qingdao municipal government, with the joint efforts of various market entities and industry associations in the area, the overall performance of listed companies in the jurisdiction has grown steadily, the profit quality has continued to improve, the formation of new quality productivity has been accelerated, cash dividends have reached new highs, and social responsibilities have been actively fulfilled. Solid progress in high-quality developmentDappradarfarmersworldThe regulatory efficiency of listed companies in the jurisdiction has been continuously improved, and new bright spots have been made in strengthening regulatory law enforcement, promoting regulatory transformation, and improving regulatory cooperation, providing a strong support for the high-quality development of listed companies. The meeting pointed out that listed companies are the foundation of the market and the source of capital market development. Listed companies under their jurisdiction and their "key minorities" should actively adapt to the new situation and new requirements, and firmly follow the path of high-quality development. First, we should strengthen the sense of honesty and strive to take the lead in abiding by the law and complying with the law. Do not make false accounts, do not tell lies, do not evade debts, do not harm the interests of the company, and strictly prohibit touching the bottom line and red line such as financial fraud and the occupation of funds. The second is to strengthen the consciousness of internal control and strive to take the lead in standardizing governance. We will fully implement the task of reforming the independent board system, strengthen the guarantee and restraint on the performance of independent directors, and give full play to the role of supervision, checks and balances. Third, we should strengthen the sense of innovation and strive to take the lead in the development of new quality productive forces. We should make good use of policies such as "Science and Technology creation 16", actively embrace new quality productive forces, strengthen key core technologies, and enhance the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain. Fourth, we should strengthen the sense of return and strive to take the lead in enhancing the value of investment. Focus on the main industry to improve the quality of endogenous development, integrate industrial chain resources through mergers and acquisitions, encourage dividends many times a year and before the Spring Festival, and improve the market capitalization management system. Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen risk awareness and strive to take the lead in steady development. Adhere to bottom line thinking, problem-oriented, learn lessons from failed enterprises, do not cross the border blindly, do not blindly add leverage, and stay away from market chaos. The meeting stressed that it is a great responsibility to do a good job in the supervision of listed companies in 2024, and it is necessary to focus on the main line of work and constantly improve the level of work. The first is to focus on "strong supervision" and implement "tusk with thorns" in strict supervision and law enforcement. Relying on the science and technology supervision system, strengthening penetrating supervision, strengthening supervision coordination, comprehensively using regulatory measures, handing over and checking, implementing mechanisms such as "multiple investigations in one case" and "multiple penalties in one case", and making full use of "property penalties" and "qualification penalties", we will deepen the mechanism of cooperation with judicial organs and intensify efforts to crack down on illegal acts. The second is to focus on "risk prevention" and achieve "early grasp" in preventing and defusing risks. The front end should implement the full chain responsibility of issuance supervision, do a solid job of guidance and acceptance, IPO on-site inspection, strictly allow the issuance and listing to enter the customs, and strictly relocate supervision to improve the quality of listed companies from the source. At the middle end, we will properly implement the risk monitoring and early warning mechanism, and strengthen the comprehensive research, assessment and classified disposal of risks. The back end relies closely on the local party committee and government to promote the resolution of risk companies in accordance with the law. The third is to focus on "promoting high-quality development" and "actively do" in serving the real economy. We will promote the deep implementation of the stock issue registration system, carry out district (city) visits in an orderly manner, and promote the cultivation of high-quality listed reserve enterprises. We will continue to do a good job in visiting listed companies, give better play to the dual role of leading companies and stabilizing market capitalization, and promote the solution of practical difficulties faced by private and small and medium-sized listed companies in their development. Close communication and cooperation with local governments, enhance the joint efforts of work, strengthen public opinion and propaganda, expand the "circle of friends" of the news media, and create a favorable external environment. At the meeting, representatives of some listed companies under their jurisdiction and persons in charge of the association of listed companies in Qingdao combined with the implementation of the central financial work conference and the spirit of the new "National Nine articles." focusing on speeding up the development of new quality productive forces, implementing the reform and deployment of independent directors, making use of mergers and acquisitions to be better and stronger, enhancing the returns of investors, and giving full play to the self-discipline service function of the association. In the next step, Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau will thoroughly implement the work plan of the party committee, continue to do a good job in policy transmission, adhere to the "two strong and two strict", and strive to promote the high-quality development of listed companies in the jurisdiction area. (Qi Heming) proofreadingDappradarfarmersworldYang Lilin

dappradarfarmersworld| Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau held a symposium on the supervision of listed companies in its jurisdiction in 2024

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