scratchdesktop| Automotive Industry Research Weekly: "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Automobile Trade-in Subsidy" was promulgated to boost industry development

Investment summary: every Monday: the detailed rules for the implementation of Automobile Trade-in subsidies have been issued to boost the development of the industry. recently, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments have jointly issuedScratchdesktopThe detailed rules for the implementation of Automobile Trade-in subsidy (hereinafter referred to as the "detailed rules") have been issued, and the subsidy policy of automobile trade-in fund has been clarified. The detailed rules clearly define the scope and standards of subsidies: from the date of issuance of the detailed rules to December 31, 2024, fuel passenger vehicles with emission standards of three or less in scrapped countries or new energy passenger vehicles registered before April 30, 2018, and individual consumers who buy new passenger cars that meet the energy-saving requirements can enjoy an one-time quota subsidy. Among them, 10,000 yuan is subsidized for scrapping the above two types of old passenger cars and purchasing qualified new energy passenger cars, and 2, 000 yuan for fuel passenger cars with emission standards of three or less in scrapped countries.Scratchdesktop7000 yuan is subsidized for passenger cars with engines of less than 0 liters. The detailed rules clarify the procedure for applying for subsidies: individual consumers who intend to apply for automobile trade-in subsidies should fill in the application materials by logging on to the National Automobile Circulation Information Management system website or "cars for clunkers" Mini Program before January 10, 2025, and the relevant materials shall be obtained between the date of issuance of the rules and December 31, 2024. The detailed rules clearly define the management of subsidy funds: the subsidy funds for car trade-in shall be shared by the central finance and local finance at 6:4 as a whole, and the specific proportion shall be determined by regions. Among them, 5:5 proportion should be shared for the eastern provinces, 6:4 for the central provinces, and 7:3 for the western provinces. The provincial financial department will take the lead in implementing the local burden. According to the number of fuel passenger vehicles with emission standards of three or less at the end of 2023, the Ministry of Finance has allocated 70% of the subsidy funds to the provinces to support local governments to start related work. After the end of the policy implementation period, the central and local governments will carry out liquidation in accordance with the principle of "more refund and less compensation". The release of the detailed rules not only brings substantial economic benefits to consumers, but also provides policy support for the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. It is expected that the policy will effectively promote automobile consumption, accelerate the popularization of new energy vehicles, and have a positive impact on environmental protection and resource recycling. In the future, with the in-depth implementation of the policy, its role in promoting the market and industry will be further revealed. This week's investment strategy and focus: the automotive sector should pay attention to the opportunities brought by low-valued vehicle and parts leading enterprises due to performance improvement, and the core target of high-quality track with new energy electrification and intelligence. Therefore, we suggest to pay attention to: independent car companies with first-mover advantages in the field of new energy, such as BYD, Changan Automobile, Geely Automobile, ideal Automobile, etc.; undervalued parts leaders with stable performance, such as Huayu Automobile, Fuyao Glass, etc.; electrified and intelligent high-quality track core targets, such as Huayang Group, Desai Xiwei, Rekoda, Koboda, Berkeley, etc. Domestic alternative concept beneficial stocks, such as Lingdian Electric Control, Sanhua Intelligence Control, Xingyu shares, Shangsheng Electronics, Zhongding shares, etc., and the pulling effect of strong vehicle enterprises on core parts, such as Top Group, Wen can shares, Xusheng shares and so on. This week, focus on the portfolio: 20% of BYD, 20% of ideal car, 20% of Topp Group, 20% of Desai Xiwei and 20% of Shangsheng Electronics. Risk tips: car sales fall short of expectations; the risk of intensified market competition. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

scratchdesktop| Automotive Industry Research Weekly: "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Automobile Trade-in Subsidy" was promulgated to boost industry development

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