cryptogameonsteam| Digital and intelligent transformation opens up the future path for Zibo's manufacturing industry

In a laboratory of Shandong Industry and Research Intelligent Motor Research InstituteCryptogameonsteamTechnicians evaluate the energy saving of a cement enterprise through the industrial Internet. According to the data, the transformation plan they customized for the enterprise is expected to save electricity by nearly 30%.

cryptogameonsteam| Digital and intelligent transformation opens up the future path for Zibo's manufacturing industry

The power of digital transformation is so great. The development of digital economy is a strategic choice to grasp the new opportunities of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform. Manufacturing industry is not only the main body of the real economy, but also the main battlefield of digital transformation.

On May 11, the executive meeting of the State Council examined and adopted the Action Plan for the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). The "Plan" points out that the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is an important measure to promote a new type of industrialization and build a modern industrial system. It is necessary to increase support for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, organically combine with the implementation of large-scale equipment renewal actions and technological upgrading projects, improve the public service platform, and explore the formation of a long-term mechanism to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

For the adoption of the "plan", the first perception is the industrial digital transformation service provider. On May 17, the reporter came to the product showroom of Shandong Fred Measurement and Control system Co., Ltd., and saw many sensor and transmitter products used for data acquisition and measurement. Li Ming, head of the company, told the reporter: "from industrial production to living consumption, we can provide the most original and accurate data, and our market demand will be more and more in the future." He said that the introduction of the "plan" has provided advantages and space for the development of the electronic information industry, including service providers for industrial digital transformation.

Compared with the high capital investment in scientific and technological research and development, the investment in digital transformation is less and the income is higher, which has a better performance-to-price ratio for enterprises. At the site of the technical renovation project of the mattress, spring bed net and intelligent mattress R & D center of Shandong Hengfu Home Technology Co., Ltd., located in Zhoucun District, the reporter saw that the R & D center has been completed and put into operation, and the mattress workshop has also been completed and put into production.

"We have introduced advanced domestic automatic production equipment, which can complete the complete production process from steel wire to bed net and then to finished mattresses in 5 minutes." The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the cost was saved by more than 30% and the production capacity was increased by more than 60%, which enabled the traditional furniture industry to achieve intelligent, digital and green transformation.

Digital technology empowerment can improve the diversification efficiency of traditional enterprises, achieve a rapid response to the dynamic needs of users, and improve the value output per user. In Shandong Shangniu Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in Huantai County, the production of jeans has also realized the whole process of digital customization. "Denim clothing orders, plate-making, cutting, sewing, washing, after the whole process, can fully achieve information and the Internet, the production cycle is shortened from the original 45 days to 7 days." The staff introduced it. It is understood that the company has transformed from a traditional product economy to an experience economy, carrying out "Internet +" personalized customization transformation of the clothing production line, through intelligent research and development, information data collection and manufacturing execution system, it has realized the digitization, modularization, digitization and personalization of product research and development, and opened up various links in personalized customization, such as customer management, intelligent research and development, intelligent manufacturing, warehousing and logistics.

According to the diversified and personalized needs of the manufacturing industry, it is proposed in the "plan" that typical scenarios should be excavated by industry and field. We will speed up the tackling of core technologies and the popularization and application of achievements, and do a good job in equipment networking, mutual recognition of protocols, standard formulation, platform construction, and so on. For the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, enterprises in Zibo have different explorations, but different paths lead to the same goal, which ultimately promotes the improvement of productivity.

Relying on the global leading IMA solid preparation product technology, Shandong Xinma Pharmaceutical equipment Co., Ltd. has embarked on a road of intelligent pharmaceutical equipment based on the innovation and production of solid preparation "high precision" production equipment and the formulation and implementation of the overall solution of the project. Shandong Shengde Intelligent equipment Co., Ltd. manufactures digital, green and intelligent high-end molding equipment with green and intelligent processing. by upgrading the original processing equipment, the enterprise has realized the automation of mechanical manufacturing, and the product specification has been raised from 2500 tons to 12.CryptogameonsteamShandong Automobile Spring Factory Zibo Co., Ltd. first established an intelligent manufacturing edge computing platform to realize the digitization of production management, financial management, and business management, and then integrated various business modules and unified data interface. comprehensive perception and analysis of data, from the design, production, operation of the whole process of information coverage and product life cycle integrated management and control.

As an old industrial city, our city is rich in application scenes, and there is great potential for speeding up the transformation of industrial digitization, and great achievements should also be made. In the next step, our city will continue to implement the "Action Plan for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry in Shandong Province (2023-2025)" and adhere to the path of "from easy to difficult, classified implementation, rolling implementation and comprehensive coverage". We will implement the "four major actions" of digital empowerment, benchmarking, technology upgrading and factor support, and build the "four libraries" such as digital service quotient resource bank, intellectual transformation project database, financial product resource database, digital expert database and so on. Construct the system of "government guidance + enterprise leadership + service provider support + financial assistance" to build a new advantage of market competition in the future with digital transformation.

At present, the initiative of Zibo enterprises "willing to turn as much as possible" and the level of "turning as far as possible" continue to improve, which will accelerate the historical process of turning manufacturing into "intelligent building" and open up a future road for an old industrial city to become a strong city of advanced manufacturing.

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