blockchaingamesforios| Accurately predict the stock price fluctuations of "Nanjing Chemical Fiber"? Shanghai Stock Exchange opened an investigation

In response to online information that the stock price of Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) fluctuated significantly yesterday and its trend was predicted, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to and initiated transaction verification.

At noon today, the official Weibo of the Shanghai Stock Exchange released the "Notice on the Trading of Nanjing Chemical Fiber Stocks"(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), stating that the Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to relevant online information on the stock price trend of Nanjing Chemical Fiber on May 20 and immediately launched transaction verification., and corresponding measures will be taken in a timely manner and in accordance with regulations based on the verification results.

At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's "Notice" reminds investors to pay attention to investment risks and trade prudently in compliance with regulations.

(Source: Shanghai Stock Exchange official Weibo)

On May 20, at about 14:35 pm, Nanjing Chemical Fiber, which had a "one-word limit", was hit by selling from the daily limit to the daily limit within 30 seconds, which was shocking.

blockchaingamesforios| Accurately predict the stock price fluctuations of "Nanjing Chemical Fiber"? Shanghai Stock Exchange opened an investigation

At the same time, online screenshots showed that someone predicted more than 40 minutes in advanceblockchaingamesforiosThis limit fluctuates. The online picture shows that at 13:47 pm on May 20, someone posted on the Tonghuashun platform saying,"Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) 2 pmblockchaingamesforios:34 I'll give you a surprise." Platform information shows that the IP territory of the above-mentioned poster is Shandong.

(Internet photo)

In fact, this forecast was about one minute apart from the plunge in Nanjing Chemical Fiber's stock price that afternoon. Many investors question this "accurate" forecast.

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