pinballonline| Heavy trucks: It is expected that subsequent export volume will be repaired, and volume and price will increase

Source Gangtise Investment Research

analysts saidpinballonline, heavy truck exports from January to April were 9pinballonline.8,000 vehicles, down 1.1% year-on-yearpinballonline.4%。From the perspective of export regions, heavy truck sales in the American market increased by more than 50% year-on-year from January to April, heavy truck sales in the African market increased by about 30% year-on-year, and heavy truck sales in the Asian market increased by 20% year-on-year. However, heavy truck sales in the Russian market fell by about 30%. Mainly due to the recent tariff reported by RussiapinballonlineWith the increase in the customs entry process, the lengthening of the customs entry process and the backlog of inventory, it is expected that subsequent export volumes will be repaired, and volume and price will show a trend of rising. In 2024, the overseas export volume of heavy trucks will remain expected to be 300,000 units, the sales volume of heavy trucks in the domestic market is expected to be 650,000 units, and the sales volume of heavy trucks for the whole year of 2024 is expected to be 950,000 units.

pinballonline| Heavy trucks: It is expected that subsequent export volume will be repaired, and volume and price will increase

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