jeopardygame| Tencent Licaitong: May 14, 2024, the highest 7-day annualized rate of return is 2.37%

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The popularity of small change financial management is heating up.JeopardygameThe yield exceeded 2% one after another [the 7-day annualized rate of return of Tencent Wealth Management's balance + and Wechat's change pass both exceeded 2%] on May 14, 2024, the highest 7-day annualized yield of Tencent Wealth Management's balance + climbed to 2.Jeopardygame.3700%. At the same time, the same-term yield of Wechat change has also reachedJeopardygame1.Jeopardygame.9813%. This data shows that with the continuous decline of market interest rates, the yield of change wealth management products is also gradually picking up. At the same time, the 7-day annualized rate of return of Alipay Yu'e Bao was also stable at 2.1880%, which was higher than before. With the continuous promotion of all kinds of Internet platforms, the change financial management market is gradually becoming one of the preferred financial management methods for investors. It is worth noting that although yields have rebounded, investors still need to be cautious when choosing wealth management products and pay attention to the safety and liquidity of the products. In addition, with the fluctuation of market interest rate, the rate of return of financial products may also fluctuate to a certain extent. When making investment decisions, investors should fully consider their own risk tolerance and investment time limit.

jeopardygame| Tencent Licaitong: May 14, 2024, the highest 7-day annualized rate of return is 2.37%

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